published 2 weeks ago
116 stars
70 forks
4 watchers
Apache License 2.0
1 assets
120 KB
Compatibility level 1
March 12, 2025

Using Bzlmod:

Add to your MODULE.bazel file:

bazel_dep(name = "aspect_rules_ts", version = "3.5.1")

rules_ts_ext = use_extension("@aspect_rules_ts//ts:extensions.bzl", "ext", dev_dependency = True)

    ts_version_from = "//:package.json",

use_repo(rules_ts_ext, "npm_typescript")

Using legacy WORKSPACE

Paste this snippet into your WORKSPACE file:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
    name = "aspect_rules_ts",
    sha256 = "d584e4bc80674d046938563678117d17df962fe105395f6b1efe2e8a248b8100",
    strip_prefix = "rules_ts-3.5.1",
    url = "",

# rules_ts setup #
# Fetches the rules_ts dependencies.
# If you want to have a different version of some dependency,
# you should fetch it *before* calling this.
# Alternatively, you can skip calling this function, so long as you've
# already fetched all the dependencies.
load("@aspect_rules_ts//ts:repositories.bzl", "rules_ts_dependencies")

    # This keeps the TypeScript version in-sync with the editor, which is typically best.
    ts_version_from = "//:package.json",

    # Alternatively, you could pick a specific version, or use
    # load("@aspect_rules_ts//ts:repositories.bzl", "LATEST_TYPESCRIPT_VERSION")

load("@aspect_rules_js//js:repositories.bzl", "rules_js_dependencies")


load("@aspect_rules_js//js:toolchains.bzl", "DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION", "rules_js_register_toolchains")

rules_js_register_toolchains(node_version = DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION)

# Register aspect_bazel_lib toolchains;
# If you use npm_translate_lock or npm_import from aspect_rules_js you can omit this block.
load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:repositories.bzl", "register_copy_directory_toolchains", "register_copy_to_directory_toolchains")



To use rules_ts with bazel-lib 2.x, you must additionally register the coreutils toolchain.

load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:repositories.bzl", "register_coreutils_toolchains")


What's Changed

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Bazel rules for TypeScript

This is the canonical ruleset for using Bazel with TypeScript, based on

Many companies are successfully building with rules_ts. If you're getting value from the project, please let us know! Just comment on our Adoption Discussion.

This is a high-performance alternative to the @bazel/typescript npm package from rules_nodejs. The ts_project rule here is identical to the one in rules_nodejs, making it easy to migrate. Since rules_js always runs tools from the bazel-out tree, rules_ts naturally fixes most usability bugs with rules_nodejs:

  • Freely mix generated *.ts and tsconfig.json files in the bazel-out tree with source files
  • Fixes the need for any rootDirs settings in tsconfig.json as reported in microsoft/TypeScript#37378
  • "worker mode" for ts_project now shares workers across all targets, rather than requiring one worker pool per target

rules_ts is just a part of what Aspect provides:

Known issues:


Follow instructions from the release you wish to use:


There are a number of examples in the examples/ folder and larger examples in the bazel-examples repository using rules_ts such as jest, react, angular.

If you'd like an example added, you can fund a Feature Request.


See the API documentation in the docs/ folder.

From a BUILD file

The most common use is with the ts_project macro which invokes a transpiler you configure to transform source files like .ts files into outputs such as .js and, and the tsc CLI to type-check the program and produce .d.ts files.

In a macro

Many organizations set default values, so it's common to write a macro to wrap ts_project, then ensure that your developers load your macro rather than loading from @aspect_rules_ts directly.

BUILD file generation

Aspect provides a TypeScript BUILD file generator as part of the Aspect CLI. Run aspect configure to create or update BUILD.bazel files as you edit TypeScript sources. See

Advanced: custom rules

If you know how to write Bazel rules, you might find that ts_project doesn't do what you want.

One way to customize it is to peel off one layer of indirection, by calling the ts_project_rule directly. This bypasses our default setting logic, and also the validation program which checks that ts_project attributes are well-formed.

You can also write a custom rule from scratch. We expose helper functions from /ts/private in this repo. Be aware that these are not a public API, so you may have to account for breaking changes which aren't subject to our usual semver policy.