Bazel Starlib is a collection of projects that contain rulesets and libraries that are useful for the implementation of Bazel projects.
Project | Description | Documentation |
bazeldoc | Generate Starlark documentation using Bazel Stardoc. Formerly hosted as bazel-doc. | API, How-to |
bzlformat | Format Bazel Starlark files using Buildifier, test that the formatted files exist in the workspace directory, and copy formatted files to the workspace directory. Formerly hosted as rules_bzlformat. | API, How-to, Examples |
bzllib | Collection of Starlark libraries. | API, How-to |
bzlrelease | Automate and customize the generation of releases using GitHub Actions. | API, How-to |
bzltidy | Collect Bazel actions that keep your source files up-to-date. | API, How-to |
markdown | Maintain markdown files. | API, How-to, Examples |
shlib | Collection of libraries useful when implementing shell binaries, libraries, and tests. Formerly hosted as bazel_shlib. | API, How-to |
updatesrc | Copy files from the Bazel output directories to the workspace directory. Formerly hosted as rules_updatesrc | API, How-to, Examples |
The following provides a quick introduction on how to load this repository into your workspace. For more information on how to use the projects from this repository in your workspace, check out the how-to links above and review the the generated documentation.
bazel_dep(name = "cgrindel_bazel_starlib", version = "0.25.2")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "cgrindel_bazel_starlib",
sha256 = "55f95d1e3928d43142d27d23efa06ee7160735a0f2fbe0ceb4110c37c5236b4d",
urls = [
load("@cgrindel_bazel_starlib//:deps.bzl", "bazel_starlib_dependencies")
load("@bazel_skylib//:workspace.bzl", "bazel_skylib_workspace")
Execute the following to update the go module files, resolve the Golang dependencies and update the Bazel build files.
$ bazel run @io_bazel_rules_go//go --
$ bazel run //:go_mod_tidy
$ bazel run //:gazelle_update_repos
$ bazel run //:update_build_files