published 1 year ago
2,328 stars
253 forks
76 watchers
Apache License 2.0
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Compatability level 1
January 16, 2024


  • (flags) Added absl.flags.override_value function to provide FlagHolder with a construct to modify values. The new interface parallels absl.flags.FlagValues.__setattr__ but checks that the provided value conforms to the flag's expected type.
  • (testing) Added a new method absltest.TestCase.assertDataclassEqual that tests equality of dataclass.dataclass objects with better error messages when the assert fails.


  • (flags) absl.flags.argparse_flags.ArgumentParser now correctly inherits an empty instance of FlagValues to ensure that absl flags, such as --flagfile, --undefok are supported.
  • (testing) Do not exit 5 if tests were skipped on Python 3.12. This follows the CPython change in https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/113856.


  • (flags) The flag foo no longer retains the value bar after FLAGS.foo = bar fails due to a validation error.
  • (testing) Fixed an issue caused by this Python 3.12.1 change where the test reporter crashes when all tests are skipped.

Abseil Python Common Libraries

This repository is a collection of Python library code for building Python applications. The code is collected from Google's own Python code base, and has been extensively tested and used in production.


  • Simple application startup
  • Distributed commandline flags system
  • Custom logging module with additional features
  • Testing utilities

Getting Started


To install the package, simply run:

pip install absl-py

Or install from source:

python setup.py install

Running Tests

To run Abseil tests, you can clone the git repo and run bazel:

git clone https://github.com/abseil/abseil-py.git
cd abseil-py
bazel test absl/...

Please also validate the type annotations against the latest mypy:

pip install mypy
mypy absl

Example Code

Please refer to smoke_tests/sample_app.py as an example to get started.


See the Abseil Python Developer Guide.

Future Releases

The current repository includes an initial set of libraries for early adoption. More components and interoperability with Abseil C++ Common Libraries will come in future releases.


The Abseil Python library is licensed under the terms of the Apache license. See LICENSE for more information.